الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

Best Buy Is Actually Managing This Whole ‘Turnaround’ Thing

We haven’t featured very many reader complaints about Best Buy on this site in the last year or so. Is that because people aren’t shopping at Best Buy at all anymore? Surprisingly, no. Best Buy is doing great, thank you very much, having convinced enough customers to quit showrooming and actually buy things there.

Best Buy is doing surprisingly well, with a $107 million profit in the third quarter of the 2014. Maybe CEO Hubert Joly’s turnaround plan is really turning things around, but executives say that better discounting, the construction of branded mini-stores within their stores, and the introduction of two new iPhones that have been metaphorically flying off store shelves. Best Buy has also been trying to build a greater inventory of items that cost under $100: maybe customers will buy more phone cases and earbuds, and not necessarily an entire home theater setup. And that’s okay.

Best Buy Sales Bounce Back Ahead of Holidays [Dow Jones Business News]

Best Buy tells Amazon: Take that! [CNN] (Warning: auto-play video)


Best Buy Is Just Daring You To Use Their Stores As Amazon Showrooms

After A Year On The Job, How’s Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly Doing?

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

Best Buy Is Actually Managing This Whole ‘Turnaround’ Thing

We haven’t featured very many reader complaints about Best Buy on this site in the last year or so. Is that because people aren’t shopping at Best Buy at all anymore? Surprisingly, no. Best Buy is doing great, thank you very much, having convinced enough customers to quit showrooming and actually buy things there.

Best Buy is doing surprisingly well, with a $107 million profit in the third quarter of the 2014. Maybe CEO Hubert Joly’s turnaround plan is really turning things around, but executives say that better discounting, the construction of branded mini-stores within their stores, and the introduction of two new iPhones that have been metaphorically flying off store shelves. Best Buy has also been trying to build a greater inventory of items that cost under $100: maybe customers will buy more phone cases and earbuds, and not necessarily an entire home theater setup. And that’s okay.

Best Buy Sales Bounce Back Ahead of Holidays [Dow Jones Business News]

Best Buy tells Amazon: Take that! [CNN] (Warning: auto-play video)


Best Buy Is Just Daring You To Use Their Stores As Amazon Showrooms

After A Year On The Job, How’s Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly Doing?

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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