اسئلة واجابات مواد التخصص (لغة عربية ولغة انجليزية) بمسابقة وزارة التربية والتعليم 2014
اهلا بكم فى مدونة وظيفتى للوظائف وفرص العمل الجديده - نقدم لكم الان فى هذا الموضوع >
ننشر بعض اسئلة التخصص والمقابلات الشخصية فى مواد اللغة العربية ةاللغة الانجليزية
اهم شئ يشباب امتحان التخصص لانك لو فشلت فية اكيد مش هتعدى للمرحلة التانية وهو اهم اختبار
اولا اللغة العربية ولمعرفة جميع الاسئلة المتوقعة لاختبارات اللغة العربية
اهلا بكم فى مدونة وظيفتى للوظائف وفرص العمل الجديده - نقدم لكم الان فى هذا الموضوع >
ننشر بعض اسئلة التخصص والمقابلات الشخصية فى مواد اللغة العربية ةاللغة الانجليزية
اهم شئ يشباب امتحان التخصص لانك لو فشلت فية اكيد مش هتعدى للمرحلة التانية وهو اهم اختبار
اولا اللغة العربية ولمعرفة جميع الاسئلة المتوقعة لاختبارات اللغة العربية
من هناااااااااااا
الإجابة أ
13-قطري بن الفجاءة شاعر
أ- الخوارج ب- الأمويين ج- العلويين د- الشيعة
الإجابة أ
14- أهم قضايا الأدب في القرن الثالث الهجري
أ- المزاوجة بين الفن والفلسفة ب- المزاوجة بين الروح البدوية والقصيدة العربية ج- الصراع بين القديم والجديد
د-الخروج عن إطار الكلاسيكية
الإجابة ج
15- من شعراء أدب الحركة المعاكسة
أ- بشار وأبو العتاهية ب- المتنبي والشريف الرضي ج- أبو تمام والبحتري د- أبو فراس الحمداني والمعري
الإجابة ج
16- العباس بن الأحنف من شعراء العصر
أ- الجاهلي ب- الأموي ج- الإسلامي د- العباسي
الإجابة د
17-الشاعر الذي اشتهر بأنه المصور اللبق البارع في التصوير هو
أ- بشار ب- ابن الرومي ج- أبو نواس د- أبو العتاهية
الإجابة ب
18- من أسباب صعوبة النحو ما عدا واحدة
أ- طرق التدريس ب- قصور إعداد المعلم ج- أسباب جسمية د- إهمال التدريبات اللغوية
الإجابة ج
19- اسم الجمع
أ- له مفرد من لفظه ب- ليس له مفرد من لفظه وله مفرد من غير لفظه ج- له مفرد من لفظه ومفرد من غير لفظه د- ليس مما ذكر
الإجابة ب
20 - من جموع الكثرة ماعدا واحدة
أ- فعلان ب- فعلى ج- فعلاء د- أفعال
الإجابة د
الإجابة أ
13-قطري بن الفجاءة شاعر
أ- الخوارج ب- الأمويين ج- العلويين د- الشيعة
الإجابة أ
14- أهم قضايا الأدب في القرن الثالث الهجري
أ- المزاوجة بين الفن والفلسفة ب- المزاوجة بين الروح البدوية والقصيدة العربية ج- الصراع بين القديم والجديد
د-الخروج عن إطار الكلاسيكية
الإجابة ج
15- من شعراء أدب الحركة المعاكسة
أ- بشار وأبو العتاهية ب- المتنبي والشريف الرضي ج- أبو تمام والبحتري د- أبو فراس الحمداني والمعري
الإجابة ج
16- العباس بن الأحنف من شعراء العصر
أ- الجاهلي ب- الأموي ج- الإسلامي د- العباسي
الإجابة د
17-الشاعر الذي اشتهر بأنه المصور اللبق البارع في التصوير هو
أ- بشار ب- ابن الرومي ج- أبو نواس د- أبو العتاهية
الإجابة ب
18- من أسباب صعوبة النحو ما عدا واحدة
أ- طرق التدريس ب- قصور إعداد المعلم ج- أسباب جسمية د- إهمال التدريبات اللغوية
الإجابة ج
19- اسم الجمع
أ- له مفرد من لفظه ب- ليس له مفرد من لفظه وله مفرد من غير لفظه ج- له مفرد من لفظه ومفرد من غير لفظه د- ليس مما ذكر
الإجابة ب
20 - من جموع الكثرة ماعدا واحدة
أ- فعلان ب- فعلى ج- فعلاء د- أفعال
الإجابة د
اختبار شفوى وتحريرى عكس المواد الاخرى
1. Specific objectives can be ………….
a. observable and measurable.
b. difficult to be observed and measured.
c. focused on the student’s behavior during a long periodof time.
d. 1 and 3
2. The smallest meaningful unit in languageis…………..
a. phoneme. b. morpheme. c. allophone. d. allomorpheme.
3. Linguistic approach concentrates on……………..
a. key role of self – esteem and sense ofmastery.
b. value of talk in the development ofthinking.
c. social interaction is the key to success inlearning.
d. attention on complex nature of thinking.
4. “What about going to the cinema” is an example of ………………..
a. advising b. warning c. offering help d. suggesting
5. One of the following is not a type ofliterature:
a. drama b. poetry c. fiction d. prose
6. All the following may create discipline problems except …………
a. using sarcasm b. insisting on apologies
c. making threats d. using classroom language that suitsthe level of students.
7. “To look quickly through a reading passage to findsomething” is called……………
a. skimming b. scanning c. silent reading d. comprehension
8. The man told his children a …………………… aboutfairies
a. tail b.tale c.taile d. teil
9. When the teacher allows students to think, and givesmore time, the result will
a. students responses becoming more thoughtful andcreative.
b. less students offering to answer.
c. students willing not to ask morequestions.
d. students giving shorter answers.
10. “………………..” refers to the actions of the organs ofspeech in the producing the
sound of speech.
a. Acoustics b. Phonetics c. Articulation d. Phonics
11. One of the following is not a Shakespeare’splay:
a. Macbeth b. Volpone c. Twelfth Night d. KingLear
12. Two of the following are receptiveskills:
a. reading and speaking b .speaking andwriting
c. reading and writing d. listening andreading
13.” Kinesics” is the study of…………………
a. sounds b. language c. gestures d. nature
4. Can you close one of the windows, please? I’ll catch acold sitting in this ……….all
a. flood b. breeze c. wind d. draught
15. Which abbreviation do you use when you want to addsomething at the end of a
a. PS b. PTO c. PM d. PLZ
16. I am very tired. ……………… over four hundred milestoday
a. I drive b. I’ve driven c. I’ve been driving d. I’m
17. How ……………….are you?
a. weight b. heavy c. high d. long
18. The prefix ante in the word ante meridiemmeans………………..
a. together b. against c. before d. byoneself
19. The stress in the word “comfortable” is on …………….
a. com b.for c. ta d. ble
20. In the dialogue:[ Teacher : What day was yesterday? Student: Tuesday.] The teacher
a. easy question b. complex question
c. open question d. narrow question
21. No one suspects us, ………………. ……………………?
a. are they b. don’t they c. do they d. aren’tthey
22. Hardly …………… the receiver down than there was a knockat the door.
a. had I put down b. I put down c. put I down d. had Idowned
23. (ELT) is an abbreviation for :
a. Education Language Teaching. b. Educated Learners & Teachers.
c. .English Learning& Teaching. d. English LanguageTeaching.
24. Words that differ by only one phoneme arecalled…………..
a. nominal pairs b. almost pairs
c. minimal pairs d. none of the above
25. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to ……………….of them.
a. either b. any c. both d. neither
26. The government ………………….. said that the Prim Ministerwas sick and tired of
the papers disappearing from his office.
a. speaksperson b. speak person c. spoken person d. spokesperson
27. …
……………. refers to the ability to breakdown material intoits component parts so
that its organizational structure may beunderstood.
a. Synthesis b. Analysis c. Application d. Evaluation
28. A reward or punishment thatstrengthens or weakens a behaviour is called
c. Application d. Evaluation
28. A reward or punishment that strengthens or weakensa behaviour is called
a. stimulus b. response c. reinforcement d. conditioning
29. We had a great time ……………the awfulweather.
a. but for b. in spite of c. except d. inspite
30. I think it’s in my left ………………. .
a. pocket of trousers b. pocket trousers
c. trouser pocket d. trousers pocket
31. The type of the test that identifies the test – taker’s strengths and weaknesses is
called a ……… test.
a. diagnostic b. placement c. proficiency d. summative
32. I am going to go out and ………………..
a. have cut my hair b. let my hair cut
c. have my hair cut d. my hair be cut
33. One of the following doesn’t contain the sound /θ/
a. mouth b. breathe c. tooth d. beneath
34. I’m looking for ………………. to cut thisstring.
a. a pair of scissors b. some scissors c. a scissors d. ascissor
35. One of the following is not from the conditions ofmotivation.
a. students are motivated if they live in a secureenvironment.
b. students are motivated when the subject matter isinteresting.
c. students are motivated when they experience morefailure and success.
d. students are motivated when they feel the learning forthem not for the teacher.
36. ” ………………” is learners use of the first patternslanguage in second language
a. Transfer b. Correlation c. Attitude d. Languageacquisition
37. I didn’t like it in the city at first, but now …………………. here.
a. I got used to living b. I am used toliving
c. I used to live d. I used to living
38. The final ” ed” in the verb talked is pronouncedas:
a. /d/ b. /id/ c. /ed/ d. /t/
. Safety should come first, ………………. lives shouldn’t beput at risk.
a. people b. people’s c. peoples’ d. peoples
. It’s ……….. funny film, I laughed all the way throughit
a. so b. extremely c. that much d. such a
. The two parties have settled their differences bycompromise after a long debate. The
underlined word means:
a. an acceptable middle coarse agreement b. negotiation
c. raising awareness d. revising past
هذه هى اجابات نموذج اللغة الإنجليزية للأستاذ رضا غالي
1) 1
2) 2
3) 2
4) 4
5) 3
6) 4
7) 2
8) 2
9) 1
10) 3
11) 2
12) 4
13) 3
14) 4
15) 1
16) 2
17) 2
18) 3
19) 1
20) 4
21) 3
22) 1
23) 4
24) 3
25) 1
26) 4
27) 2
28) 3
29) 2
30) 4
31) 1
32) 3
33) 2
34) 2
35) 3
36) 1
37) 2
38) 4
39) 2
40) 4

مع تحياتى مدونة وظيفتى
1. Specific objectives can be ………….
a. observable and measurable.
b. difficult to be observed and measured.
c. focused on the student’s behavior during a long periodof time.
d. 1 and 3
2. The smallest meaningful unit in languageis…………..
a. phoneme. b. morpheme. c. allophone. d. allomorpheme.
3. Linguistic approach concentrates on……………..
a. key role of self – esteem and sense ofmastery.
b. value of talk in the development ofthinking.
c. social interaction is the key to success inlearning.
d. attention on complex nature of thinking.
4. “What about going to the cinema” is an example of ………………..
a. advising b. warning c. offering help d. suggesting
5. One of the following is not a type ofliterature:
a. drama b. poetry c. fiction d. prose
6. All the following may create discipline problems except …………
a. using sarcasm b. insisting on apologies
c. making threats d. using classroom language that suitsthe level of students.
7. “To look quickly through a reading passage to findsomething” is called……………
a. skimming b. scanning c. silent reading d. comprehension
8. The man told his children a …………………… aboutfairies
a. tail b.tale c.taile d. teil
9. When the teacher allows students to think, and givesmore time, the result will
a. students responses becoming more thoughtful andcreative.
b. less students offering to answer.
c. students willing not to ask morequestions.
d. students giving shorter answers.
10. “………………..” refers to the actions of the organs ofspeech in the producing the
sound of speech.
a. Acoustics b. Phonetics c. Articulation d. Phonics
11. One of the following is not a Shakespeare’splay:
a. Macbeth b. Volpone c. Twelfth Night d. KingLear
12. Two of the following are receptiveskills:
a. reading and speaking b .speaking andwriting
c. reading and writing d. listening andreading
13.” Kinesics” is the study of…………………
a. sounds b. language c. gestures d. nature
4. Can you close one of the windows, please? I’ll catch acold sitting in this ……….all
a. flood b. breeze c. wind d. draught
15. Which abbreviation do you use when you want to addsomething at the end of a
a. PS b. PTO c. PM d. PLZ
16. I am very tired. ……………… over four hundred milestoday
a. I drive b. I’ve driven c. I’ve been driving d. I’m
17. How ……………….are you?
a. weight b. heavy c. high d. long
18. The prefix ante in the word ante meridiemmeans………………..
a. together b. against c. before d. byoneself
19. The stress in the word “comfortable” is on …………….
a. com b.for c. ta d. ble
20. In the dialogue:[ Teacher : What day was yesterday? Student: Tuesday.] The teacher
a. easy question b. complex question
c. open question d. narrow question
21. No one suspects us, ………………. ……………………?
a. are they b. don’t they c. do they d. aren’tthey
22. Hardly …………… the receiver down than there was a knockat the door.
a. had I put down b. I put down c. put I down d. had Idowned
23. (ELT) is an abbreviation for :
a. Education Language Teaching. b. Educated Learners & Teachers.
c. .English Learning& Teaching. d. English LanguageTeaching.
24. Words that differ by only one phoneme arecalled…………..
a. nominal pairs b. almost pairs
c. minimal pairs d. none of the above
25. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to ……………….of them.
a. either b. any c. both d. neither
26. The government ………………….. said that the Prim Ministerwas sick and tired of
the papers disappearing from his office.
a. speaksperson b. speak person c. spoken person d. spokesperson
27. …
……………. refers to the ability to breakdown material intoits component parts so
that its organizational structure may beunderstood.
a. Synthesis b. Analysis c. Application d. Evaluation
28. A reward or punishment thatstrengthens or weakens a behaviour is called
c. Application d. Evaluation
28. A reward or punishment that strengthens or weakensa behaviour is called
a. stimulus b. response c. reinforcement d. conditioning
29. We had a great time ……………the awfulweather.
a. but for b. in spite of c. except d. inspite
30. I think it’s in my left ………………. .
a. pocket of trousers b. pocket trousers
c. trouser pocket d. trousers pocket
31. The type of the test that identifies the test – taker’s strengths and weaknesses is
called a ……… test.
a. diagnostic b. placement c. proficiency d. summative
32. I am going to go out and ………………..
a. have cut my hair b. let my hair cut
c. have my hair cut d. my hair be cut
33. One of the following doesn’t contain the sound /θ/
a. mouth b. breathe c. tooth d. beneath
34. I’m looking for ………………. to cut thisstring.
a. a pair of scissors b. some scissors c. a scissors d. ascissor
35. One of the following is not from the conditions ofmotivation.
a. students are motivated if they live in a secureenvironment.
b. students are motivated when the subject matter isinteresting.
c. students are motivated when they experience morefailure and success.
d. students are motivated when they feel the learning forthem not for the teacher.
36. ” ………………” is learners use of the first patternslanguage in second language
a. Transfer b. Correlation c. Attitude d. Languageacquisition
37. I didn’t like it in the city at first, but now …………………. here.
a. I got used to living b. I am used toliving
c. I used to live d. I used to living
38. The final ” ed” in the verb talked is pronouncedas:
a. /d/ b. /id/ c. /ed/ d. /t/
. Safety should come first, ………………. lives shouldn’t beput at risk.
a. people b. people’s c. peoples’ d. peoples
. It’s ……….. funny film, I laughed all the way throughit
a. so b. extremely c. that much d. such a
. The two parties have settled their differences bycompromise after a long debate. The
underlined word means:
a. an acceptable middle coarse agreement b. negotiation
c. raising awareness d. revising past
هذه هى اجابات نموذج اللغة الإنجليزية للأستاذ رضا غالي
1) 1
2) 2
3) 2
4) 4
5) 3
6) 4
7) 2
8) 2
9) 1
10) 3
11) 2
12) 4
13) 3
14) 4
15) 1
16) 2
17) 2
18) 3
19) 1
20) 4
21) 3
22) 1
23) 4
24) 3
25) 1
26) 4
27) 2
28) 3
29) 2
30) 4
31) 1
32) 3
33) 2
34) 2
35) 3
36) 1
37) 2
38) 4
39) 2
40) 4

مع تحياتى مدونة وظيفتى
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